
Cantos Espirituales is the product of the hard work of J.W. and Mildred Treat of Abilene, Texas since 1947. Brother Treat made possible the existence and continuation of the publication of this songbook that has meant so much to the Spanish speaking Churches of Christ worldwide. Brother Agustin G. Figueroa and Ricardo G. Treat translated and adapted various hymns along with many other brethren worldwide, all to which a debt of gratitude is owed. In 1996, the copyright was transferred to Moises F. Perez of Lubbock, Texas.

Brother Perez continued this important ministry. He worked diligently to find ways to keep printing costs low while also expediting the production process.
Brother Perez struggled with various health issues and in 2004, he transferred the copyright to his eldest daughter, Debora Perez Lopez. Brother Perez passed from this life on March 3, 2007. He had a passion and love for the ministry that was Cantos Espirituales. Debora will work hard to continue to provide this hymnal to the Spanish speaking brethren.